Nicolson Institute news


Tha clasaichean elective anns an dàrna bliadhna air a bhith ag obair còmhla ri Taigh-tasgaidh agus Tasglann nan Eilean. Bha deagh chothrom aca a bhith ag ionnsachadh mu eachdraidh ionadail Leòdhais ‘s iad a’ coimhead air nithean agus stòran co-cheangailte ris an Iolaire. Fhuair na sgoilearan am fiosrachadh mun mhaoineachadh a bha air a chuir air dòigh uabhasach inntinneach.

The second year elective classes, Business Enterprise and the Iolaire Memorial Project, have been visiting and working with Museum & Tasglann nan Eilean.

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They have had the exciting opportunity to learn more about their local history by looking at artefacts and archival records related to the Iolaire.

Pupils found the details of the fund that was set up to provide assistance to those who were affected by the event particularly interesting.


Shinty continues to make progress as a sport within school. Mr. Lamont’s after-school shinty session continues to attract good numbers. Later on a Friday evening many of his group take part in Lewis Camanachd’s Indoor Winter League at the sports centre.

This has been very successful and allows players to get two hours of training and playing every Friday.

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The Nicolson Institute’s shinty team, which is composed mostly of S2 pupils, has two games coming up in the near future.

In March players travel to the mainland to play Alness Academy in a challenge match. In the summer term the team has the second leg of the Minch Cup to play against Plockton High.

In their first competitive game last season they lost 2-0 in the first leg, which was held here in Stornoway. This was a good result against a more experienced side. So it is still all to play for!


A meeting was held last week with parents of pupils who will be starting S1 in Gaelic Medium Education in August.

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Those who attended the meeting heard about the opportunities the school gives pupils in GME and the benefits of continuing to study through Gaelic.

In addition to a presentation from Dr Murray, the Rector and a 6th year pupil, there was an opportunity to see some of the work done in GME subjects and to learn about the work Stòrlann,

The Multimedia Unit and Comunn na Gàidhlig do to support secondary Gaelic education (see photo).


A group of staff, former staff and pupils attended the funeral in Inverness of Mr R Mackenzie, former PT Business Studies and Assistant Rector.

Mr Mackenzie was a valued and long-serving member of staff and his contribution to the life of the school and the community as a whole will long be remembered (see photo).