New library vans are named by island youngsters

The new vans for the Western Isles Mobile Library Service have now been formally launched with the official naming of the two vehicles.

In celebration of last year’s Book Week Scotland, a competition was held for children from 4 to 11 years to suggest names for the shiny new vans.

The response was overwhelming with more than 200 entries received from pupils and schools

across the whole of the Western Isles.

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Naturally it was a very tough decision for the judges going through all the amazing names

sent in, but the names finally decided upon were ‘Lexy’ for the Lewis and Harris Mobile, and ‘Lachaidh’ for the Uist and Benbecula Mobile.

Congratulations go to the four winners (yes, four, as each name was nominated twice!).

Thea Fraser from Sgoile Bhaile a Mhanaich and Joey Macleod from Sir E. Scott both suggested ‘Lexy’ and Leah Hamilton; also from Bhaile a Mhanaich and Archie Brown, also from Sir E. Scott, came up with ‘Lachaidh’.

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The winners each received a certificate and their school received a £50 book token for their achievements.

Kathleen Milne, Libraries Manager said: “We were thrilled to receive so many entries from so many schools across the islands.

" The Mobile Libraries play such a valuable role in the community connecting schools, pupils, individuals, families and communities with books, DVDs, audio books, information and other resources and we hope that Lexy and Lachaidh will become an even more familiar and friendly sight on our roads in future.”

Scottish illustrator Eilidh Muldoon, will be creating name illustrations for each vehicle and the team of mobile librarians – Steven, Donald Ewen and Iain – are looking forward to an official naming ceremony when the vans will finally receive their nameplates.

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At the moment, people are not permitted to enter the vans, but Lexy and Lachaidh are out on the road, delivering books for all ages across Lewis, Harris, Uist and Benebcula.

Get in touch with WI Libraries at: library.enquiries@cne- 822744 if you would like to arrange for one of the new vans to visit you in the future.

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