
A Facebook page in support of encourgaing board game makers Hasbro to make a Stornoway version of the classic Monopoly game has already earned almost 700 '˜likes' on Facebook.

The social media page has been set up with a mock up of what the finished game could look like with The Cearns and Ness available for £60 valuations with the Olivers Brae valued at £400.

The famous ‘chance’ cards on the game have been suitably adapted for the locals with such rewards as being sent straight to the cells for poaching in the Creed, or earning a cash windfall for ‘beating the Niseachs to Sula Sgeir’ and subsequently selling all the guga before they arrive.

Instead of passing go, players on Stornopoly collect £200 for a croft grant on the ‘mach a seo’ square on the board.

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