Making new friends in Lewis

Friendly get together.Friendly get together.
Friendly get together.
Mocktails and music were enjoyed at St Columba's Church Hall on Tuesday in a Group Befriending session organised by Befriending Lewis.

Guests of all ages were treated to lunch, played bingo and other games as well as sampling different, healthy smoothies.

Music was provided by Luisa Barron and friends and the Coop, Tesco and Stag Bakeries were much appreciated contributors to the refreshments.

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The wonderful volunteers mucked in with everything - driving minibuses, helping prepare food and drinks, chatting to the guests and supporting them playing games.

Befriending Lewis is an organisation supporting people suffering from loneliness and social isolation, which offers face to face, telephone and healthier lives (gym buddies) befriending as well as the group sessions.

Please contact 01851 702632 or [email protected] if you would like to get involved in one of our volunteer roles: Befriender, Group Befriending Host, Passenger Assist or Driver.

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