News, events and views from Free Church of Scotland

Having fun in the great outdoors.Having fun in the great outdoors.
Having fun in the great outdoors.
News and events from the Western Isles Presbytery of the Free Church of Scotland features in the Stornoway Gazette this week (December 8th).

Each quarter there will be news reports, book reviews and items of a devotional nature, as well as occasional contributions from the nineteen congregations in the Presbytery.

This week we feature the October camps for young people, a book review, news of the National Day of Prayer observed throughout the Free Church last week, and, Rev. Angus Alex Macdonald’s fifty years of ministry.

Below is a write up from the junior October camp.


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One of the foundational elements to a great camp is a good team of leaders. God graciously provided a great team of new and experienced leaders who worked well with each other and with the campers.

The campers were a lovely bunch and joined in enthusiastically with the activities as well as talks and discussion time.

The weather wasn’t fantastic but when you’re jumping into a river Gorge Scrambling, it doesn’t make much difference if it’s raining a bit!

We made it to the beach briefly, jumping off the epic dunes at Luskentyre is fun whatever the weather.

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Sunday morning was a quick exit to church as the fire alarm went off just as we were getting ready to leave! It was a false alarm thankfully and we made it to church in Tarbert on time. North Harris Free Church kindly hosted us for lunch after the service, which was quite the feast.

After church in the evening we had a fellowship back at the centre where the campers asked the leaders questions they had and we heard a few of the leaders’ testimonies.

The leaders gave talks each morning and evening on the theme of the Sermon on the Mount and the campers were encouraged to read Matthew 5-7 in their Quiet Time over the weekend.

We rounded off the weekend with a trip to Ness to go bowling and enjoy the Eoropie play park before heading back to town for pick up.

Everyone enjoyed the weekend and we pray that everyone learned more about our awesome Saviour, Jesus, and will continue to grow in knowledge of and love for Him.