Pupils at Sgoil Lacasdail love Harris Tweed!

The choir with their Harris Tweed waistcoats.The choir with their Harris Tweed waistcoats.
The choir with their Harris Tweed waistcoats.
Pupils in Gaelic Medium Primary 5 - 7 class at Sgoil Lacasdail were recently involved in a project where they learned about the complex process in producing the world famous Harris Tweed/Clò Hearach.

They visited the Carloway Mill where they saw the fabric going through various stages from wool to weaver. The Carloway Mill generously donated a special piece of tweed from which waistcoats were made for members of the school choir. The choir proudly wore these at the recent Royal National Mod held in Stornoway.

The pupils also completed a small enterprise project where they made and sold Harris Tweed items.

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This was made possible by the generosity of the Carloway Mill. To officially thank the mill, school pupils presented a framed photograph of the school choir in their attractive Harris Tweed waistcoats to Carloway Mill representatives Mr D I Macarthur and Mrs K Macleod, who was thanked for making the waistcoats.

The Enterprise Project raised £355 and this money was donated to the Bring Mhàiri Maciver Home Fund.

Connor Maciver and Annis Macled accepted the cheque on behalf of the Maciver family.

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