App's the way to do it!

Callum Morrison with Cubefall, which features a bit of Gaelic, Doric and Glesga patter.Callum Morrison with Cubefall, which features a bit of Gaelic, Doric and Glesga patter.
Callum Morrison with Cubefall, which features a bit of Gaelic, Doric and Glesga patter.
An app developer from the Highlands has taken an innovative approach to his debut app entitled, '˜Cubefall '“ Stack & Pop', by featuring Gaelic, Doric and well-known Glaswegian phrases in the game.

Callum Morrison, who grew up in Mulbuie on the Black Isle and was born in Aberdeen, translated his Cubefall app from standard English as he felt Scotland has little representation digitally.

Callum, said: “I’ve played hundreds of apps and games, but not one has featured Gaelic, never mind Doric or Glaswegian patter.”

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He hopes Cubefall – Stack & Pop, and its Scottish translations, will show budding young Scottish developers that apps can be created to cater to local audiences whilst having mass appeal.

“Apps can look so polished these days and there are very few app developers in Scotland, so I think Scots think it’s really difficult.

“But it’s not!

“I hope other young people start taking it up so tech can grow in Scotland,” said Callum, a former Dingwall Academy pupil who returned to Aberdeen to study Accountancy and Finance at RGU.

After a move to Edinburgh, where he worked in finance for two years he decided to go it alone and become an app developer.

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“Cubefall is quite a simple game where you pop cubes as they fall, kind of like a reverse Tetris,” said Callum, 24.

“It’s easy to understand, but it gets challenging, so I think there’s something there for everyone”.

The app was translated into Gaelic with the help of Callum’s Gaelic-fluent friend, Steven Kellow, from Dingwall.

“Finding new ways to use Gaelic is always something to be welcomed, and when it’s coupled with a fun and accessible game like Cubefall it’s all the better,” said Steven.

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“I think it lends itself as a way of picking up some phrases and using the language in a more recreational context, so it checks both the fun and educational boxes.”

Gaelic campaign group, Misneachd welcomed the use of Gaelic in the app and championed it as a normalised way for young people to use the language.

“It’s great to see an app such as Cubefall available in Gaelic.

“Young people particularly are spending more and more time online and using mobile devices so it’s essential that they are able to use Gaelic in this context,” said Martainn Mac a’ Bhaillidh from Misneachd.

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“Projects like this help normalise Gaelic in a contemporary setting and proved fun and engaging environments.

“It would be hugely beneficial to see apps like this used to encourage young people to engage with modern technology through Gaelic.”

Callum said the Doric translations were tongue-in-cheek and often more fun than the original English phrases.

For example, please like and share Cubefall is translated into Doric as, ‘Mind tae tell abody aboot Cubefall’.

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“My family, who are all originally from Aberdeen, helped me with the Doric, and hopefully it will give people a laugh, while many friends from Glasgow helped me with the Glesga patter.”

Callum’s app is FREE and can be downloaded on Android and iOS by searching for Cubefall – Stack & Pop on the app stores.