MSP to raise nuisance call concerns

MSP Alasdair Allan.MSP Alasdair Allan.
MSP Alasdair Allan.
Western Isles MSP Alasdair Allan has pledged to support efforts to cut down on nuisance calls '“ after it was announced that a new commission is to tackle the issue.

Nuisance calls can be particularly disruptive for vulnerable people, causing distress and even financial hardship.

Alasdair Allan plans to raise the problem of nuisance calls in the Western Isles with the Nuisance Calls Commission, and invites any constituents plagued by cold calls to get in touch.

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He said: “Sadly, nuisance calls are something almost all of us are only too familiar with. While many of us simply find them irritating, they can cause extreme distress, particularly for vulnerable people.

“The Scottish Government has been taking action to prevent nuisance calls, and this new Commission will help give individuals and businesses more power to stop cold calling, whilst exploring if stronger regulation is necessary.

“I intend to raise the issue of nuisance calls with the Commission and I would invite any concerned individuals in the islands to get in touch to talk about their experience.