Water-wise appeal for Stornoway after dry spell

The area served by the Stornoway Water Treatment Works.The area served by the Stornoway Water Treatment Works.
The area served by the Stornoway Water Treatment Works.
Scottish Water is asking customers in Stornoway to use their water wisely as a result of prolonged dry weather in the area.

The dry conditions have caused lower than normal water levels in Loch Mor an Stairr, which supplies Stornoway Water Treatment Works (WTW).

As a result, Scottish Water will supplement this with water from nearby Loch Scarabhat Mhor.

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Against this backdrop, the utility is encouraging customers served by Stornoway WTW to take simple water efficiency measures to help maintain continued supplies to homes and businesses.

Stornoway WTW serves domestic properties and businesses in Stornoway and on the Eye peninsula.

Simple steps customers can take to use water efficiently include:

Turning off the tap when brushing teeth and shaving

Taking a shorter shower

Using your washing machine and dishwasher fully loaded

Boiling the kettle with only the water you need

Using a bucket of water instead of a hose to wash your car

and using a watering can instead of a hose to water gardens and plants

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Scottish Water is also asking businesses to consider their usage and how they can use water more efficiently.

Peter Farrer, Scottish Water’s chief operating officer, said: “We are encouraging everyone living and working locally to take simple steps to use water wisely. By doing so, we can significantly reduce water usage which also helps the environment, saves energy and ensures that we continue to provide clear, fresh water to customers in the area.”

To help customers use water wisely, Scottish Water has put together a free water saving pack which has some gadgets, such as tap aerators and shower timers, to save water in the kitchen, bathroom and garden.

For advice, visit our website www.scottishwater.co.uk/savewaterscotland or call our Customer Helpline on 0800 0778778.

Businesses should speak to their licensed provider for advice.